Calcium and Other Important Nutrients to Prevent Osteoporosis

Calcium and Related Nutrients for Bone Health 

Many individuals make the mistake of thinking that calcium is all that’s needed for bone health. However, bones are made of more than calcium. Bones also contain several minerals as well as protein. The protein serves as a matrix to which the minerals necessary for bone formation attach.

While many perceive osteoporosis to be “not enough calcium in the bones,” osteoporosis is more complicated than that. Insufficient calcium in the bones is called rickets, which is caused by inadequate vitamin D. Osteoporosis involves both low levels of minerals as well insufficient protein in the bones.

So, simply taking calcium by itself will not help bone health. Other minerals, vitamins, and protein are also needed. The intestinal tract also needs to be healthy and fully functional as the site where dietary calcium is absorbed into the bloodstream. Several studies have shown that both prebiotics and probiotics such as these, improve the absorption of calcium by improving intestinal health. Because hormones also play a significant role in bone health, the risk of osteoporosis increases with age, especially in females. Treating hormone deficiencies with the appropriate bioidentical hormones is important for older adults. Lastly, weight-bearing exercises cause the bones to signal the body’s need to increase bone density.

When considering a calcium supplement, it is important to be aware of the supporting nutrients necessary for calcium absorption. Vitamin D is one of these nutrients. The body manufactures its own vitamin D under the right conditions. The first ingredient required is natural oils on the skin. Your body forms vitamin D in these oils. If you take frequent, warm or hot showers with soap, these oils may not be present on your skin in sufficient amounts. Secondly, you must have sufficient exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet light. During winter, in northern latitudes, in areas with smog from air pollution, and when our skin is protected by sunscreen, we cannot form adequate vitamin D from sunlight. Also, be aware that if you shower too soon after sun exposure you may not have the opportunity to absorb the vitamin D from the skin into your bloodstream. Most of us need some extra vitamin D from supplements.

There are still other supporting nutrients required. Vitamin K is a nutrient supported by new research as necessary for modifying osteocalcin, a bone protein, so it can properly bind minerals and hold them in the bone matrix. Magnesium is another important nutrient, which we need to take in proper balance with calcium. To be incorporated into bone, calcium needs the help of certain enzymes, which require magnesium to work properly. We tend to be more deficient in magnesium than calcium. The proper calcium to magnesium ratio is approximately 2:1. Phosphorus is also required for calcium absorption. The American diet tends to be overly abundant in phosphorus, in contrast to calcium and magnesium. Yet another necessary, but little known nutrient, is boron. Boron has been shown in recent studies to aid bone metabolism when taken in the proper amount. Lastly, manganese, copper, and zinc are co-factors that activate enzymes to help build bone mass. Here is an excellent example of a balanced calcium supplement.   Calcium supplements should always be taken with food that includes some fat, because dietary fat increases calcium absorption.  You can also use a complete protein supplement to provide the extra protein necessary to form the bone matrix.

It is also important to know, that while 99% of the body’s calcium in contained in the bones and teeth, the remaining one percent has other very important functions in the body. One of these crucial functions is the conduction on nerve impulses. Undersupply of calcium also can cause irritability of the muscles, resulting in cramps and even spasms.

Pregnant mothers should be aware of the importance of an adequate calcium intake, along with its supporting nutrients. A unmet high demand for calcium during pregnancy or lactation can result in future bone loss for the mother.  During both my pregnancies, I found that a good quality calcium supplement with magnesium, such as one of these provided relief for my leg cramps that I sometimes experienced at night. This also greatly reduced my extreme tooth sensitivity to hot and cold.

Part 2: Treating Hypothyroidism, Important Nutrients

(Also see part 1 on Treating Hypothyroidism, here and my post on the Thyroid and Adrenals here.)

The body needs certain building blocks to produce and utilize thyroid hormone.  Sometimes hypothyroidism does not show up on blood tests because, while thyroid hormone is present at normal levels in the blood, some of these key nutrients to utilize it are missing.  The missing link may be in the process of converting thyroid hormone into its usable form, getting it into the cells, or activation within the cells.  The following are some of the important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that the body uses to achieve proper thyroid function:

Iron:  In order to produce thyroid hormone, the body must first convert the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine.  Sufficient iron is required to make this conversion.

Iodine and manganese:  After the tyrosine reaches the thyroid gland, manganese and iodine are used to convert it into thyroxin (T4) This is what most doctors prescribe, in synthetic form, for patients with hypothyroidism.  Unfortunately it may not help if you are not able to convert T4 into T3, the form of thyroid hormone that enters the cells where it can do its job.  Please note that many believe that the US RDA for iodine is much too low, providing only one tenth of the necessary iodine at best.  I chose to use Lugol’s Iodine solution to supplement iodine.  Some people prefer kelp, but you need to make sure your source is of sufficient potency.

Zinc and Other Minerals:  Zinc must be present in sufficient quantity for the liver to convert T4 into T3.  A simple way to check for zinc deficiency is to try zinc lozenges.  If the lozenges taste bitter or metallic, you are probably not deficient in zinc.  Excess copper, often correlated with low levels of zinc,  interferes with the conversion of T4 to T3.  High blood calcium levels often show up concurrently with the excessive copper.  High blood calcium makes the cells less responsive to T3.  Please note that dietary intake and calcium vitamin pills rarely cause high blood calcium unless intake is extremely high over a period of time, or there is some other problem present. Selenium:  Inside the cell, selenium is needed to help thyroid hormone work.  Low selenium will cause thyroid hormone to become inactive.  The body also uses selenium to produce an enzyme that assists in converting T4 to T3.

Protein:  Extra protein may be helpful to give the thyroid the necessary amino acids to produce thyroid hormone. It is important to purchase supplements from a company that conducts independent tests for potency, purity, and clinical performance.  They should be able to prove that their product raises blood levels of the nutrient(s) provided.

Here are a few of my favorite supplements for thyroid function.

Lugol’s Iodine
For manganese and selenium, this quality multivitamin has more than most available on the market.

Note: This information does not constitute medical advice.
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